Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Extra Post

Ah, things are finally wrapping up, and it is quite the relief. I finally have pretty much everything lined up that I need. My answers, best answer, research, I-Search paper, and final presentation lesson plan. Pretty much all I need to do is finish all of these little tasks up, and of course, get ready for my final presentation. (which is in less than a month!?)

So, in efforts to prepare, I've been watching some TED talks. Why? Because what better way to get some presenting tips, than to watch some pro's in action? It's not only helpful to look to these speakers for guidance, but they're also quite interesting to watch. I could get lost in the hundreds of various topics people do talks on, but of course I've watched some that are relevant to my senior topic as well. Here is one I've watched recently:

This talk by Malcolm Gladwell is about how everybody has different preferences. I've been hearing a lot about this author as of late, and this talk combines food and aspects of my topic, so how could I resist?

Watching this speech gave me a new perspective on the whole idea of trying to market to people - in that a business needs to acknowledge the wide range of diverse needs and wants consumers have, in order to really make their customers happy and satisfied.

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